Friday Feb. 17th, 2012

Posted: February 17, 2012

Broadcast Journalism: Students will research, critique a news website and write a review. (Remember a review features what is good and bad about the site with recommendations.) We get our news in several different ways. News moves so fast that media has developed different ways to deliver the information as it happens. Whether it is through Blogs, websites, tweets, rss feeds, forums, pop-ups, video, podcast ect. The news never stops. News media companies are creative, so students will examine a website and include in your review the following information. Give a brief history of the site to show its credibility. Is the site user friendly? (Explain your answer) What ways does the site offer the news? (Podcast, video, facebook link, twitter ect) The site is geared towards and audience- what age/ social class- or does it offer information to everyone. What are some suggestions that you would give the website to help offer news to people your age. (Explain what a teen news website look like) Your review should be about 1 page in length- single space please. History 112- Worksheet #2- French Revolution causes 2- students will have one class period to read and complete the questions on the worksheet. Due tomorrow.- Please finish your causes worksheet as it is due at the end of class today. Often times crime violates human rights laws.- A look at the Charter of rights and freedoms. Brainstorm what are the rights that you feel that you have as Canadians? History of the Charter of rights and Freedoms. The students will then be divided through random draw- cards to form groups(2-3)to read and explain a section of the Charter. (One class period.) ·         They will be able to explain what the section of the charter says ·         Find a court case that is a result of a violation of that particular section as an example of the charter. ·         Apply the information to your life at school. (how is your section of the charter supported in the school system. Do you see where there can be improvements?)  Extention: When finished please read and write a reflection on the guest speaker yesterday.