Monday March 28th, 2011

Posted: March 27, 2011

Period #1- Ancient HistoryObjectives: students will examine the religious practices of Egypt and compare it to modern religious beliefs.Students will discuss religious beliefs and why they are developed and then look at the Egyptian gods. Students will draw a modern version of that god. This exercise will help students discover the value of beliefs and how we live according to these values. The Egyptians worshiped many gods and lived in fear of them. Period #2- Media Studies-  Presentation of the top 5 commercials and 5 bad commercials. Quiz.  Period #4- Ancient History Objectives: students will examine the religious practices of Egypt and compare it to modern religious beliefs.Students will discuss religious beliefs and why they are developed and then look at the Egyptian gods. Students will draw a modern version of that god. This exercise will help students discover the value of beliefs and how we live according to these values. The Egyptians worshiped many gods and lived in fear of them.  Period #6- Theatre Arts- Students will present the theatre presentations.