JMH Announcement Team looks back on semester, welcomes next Journalism students

Posted: January 17, 2019

The semester is coming to a close, and soon the current announcement team will be stepping down to make way for new students. The announcement team has a few things to say to the students who will be on the team next semester, and to anyone interested in taking Journalism 120 in the coming years.

“Being on the announcement team was sometimes time-consuming, but it was a lot of fun.” – Callie Taylor

“Working on announcements was very fun and it was great to be able to work independently.” – Molly Roy

“Announcements were a great time and an awesome experience!” – Reese Lynch

The announcement team would like to thank everyone at James M. Hill for supporting the morning announcements and wish the best of luck to the next group of Journalism students. We are very happy to have been your announcement team!


By: Padruig MacDonald