Posted: December 14, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Test on Circulatory System on Friday!!!
Reminder to continue to fill in your goal sheet as met or not met and add your notes.
Science 10
no HW
Posted: December 14, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Test on Circulatory System on Friday!!!
Reminder to continue to fill in your goal sheet as met or not met and add your notes.
Science 10
no HW
Posted: December 13, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Make sure you are keeping your goal up to date as met or not met and including notes
Reminder of Test on the Circulatory System on Friday!!
Science 10
pg 23 #1-5
Posted: December 9, 2016
Human Physilogy 110
reminder to mark goal sheet as met or not met and add a note. Sunday will be the end of Week 1.
Test on the Circulatory system has been moved to Thursday of next week.
Science 10
For any students who did not pass in their lab reports they were due today. Get them in ASAP remember everyday they are late you lose 5% up to 5 days then the assignment is no longer acceptable.
Posted: December 8, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Reminder to fill in your goal sheet as met or not met with your notes about your goal
Test on Tuesday on the Circulatory system
Science 10
Lab Reports are due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
Posted: December 7, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Reminder to fill in goal sheet as met or not met with your notes
Reminder of Test on Circulatory system!! It has been moved to Tuesday
Science 10
no HW. We will finish the lab report tomorrow by writing the discussion so make sure you bring your lab with you to class.
Posted: December 6, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Reminder to fill in goal sheet met or not met
Also reminder of Test on the Circulatory System on Friday!!!
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
Make sure your lab procedure is written out for tomorrow's lab. You will not be permitted to enter the lab if your procedure is not correctly written out.
Posted: December 5, 2016
Human Physiology 110
we started a new 3 week goal today. Make sure any student who did not pass in their goal sheet today, bring it tomorrow fill in with their summary.
Test on Circulatory System Unit on Friday
Science 10
no HW we were in the lab today adn will continue our work on that tomorrow
Any students who missed Friday's test make sure you see me to arrange a time this week to write it!!!
Posted: December 1, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Reminder to students of quiz tomorrow on Blood and Blood Types
Science 10
Reminder of Test tomorrow on Chapter 6!!! You have had two extra days to study so you should be well prepared. Also for any students who were absent Tuesday because you attended "We Day" you will still be expected to write your test tomorrow. The answers to the review sheets were posted on Tuesday use these to aid in your studying.
Posted: November 29, 2016
Human Physiology
Quiz tomorrow on Blood
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
Test tomorrow on Chapter 6. Answers to review sheets are posted below.
Posted: November 25, 2016
Human Physiology 110
no HW
Reminder to continue to fill in goal sheets as met or not met as well as add notes in
Remidner of Quiz on Wednesday on Blood and Blood Groups
Science 10
pg 241 #1-3
Reminder of Test on Chapter 6 on Wednesday!!!
Posted: November 24, 2016
Human Physiology 110
no HW
Reminder to fill in goals as met or not met and record notes.
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
pg 235 #1-4
Posted: November 23, 2016
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
pg 232 #1,3-5a
Posted: November 22, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Quiz today on Heart and Blood Vessels if you were absent today be prepared to write the Quiz tomorrow
Reminder to continue updating your goal sheet as met or not met and adding your notes.
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
pg 223 #4,5 and the Conserving Mass Worksheet that was given in class today
Posted: November 21, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Quiz tomorrow on Heart and Blood Vessels
Reminder to continue to put goal as met or not met as well as addding notes. Today marks the start of week 2
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
no HW we had our quiz today on Balancing Equations. For any students who were absent you will write the quiz tomorrow so come prepared!!!
Posted: November 16, 2016
Human Physiology 110
Remember to keep noting if your goal was met or not met and adding in comments about it.
Quiz will be moved to Tuesday on the Heart and Blood Vessels
Science 10 Periods 2,3,4
no HW
Reminder of Quiz on Monday on Balancing Equations