Posted: August 25, 2020
Over the next few days we will begin sharing information regarding our plans for welcoming our Tommies back into the building. We are so appreciative of how patient you have all been. Our full operational plan will be available September 3rd, as will those of all other schools.
Our student population will be divided into three groups. Students in A and B groups will attend on alternating days, while group C will be a small group of students whose individual situations will see them attend every day.
We are hopeful that we will be able to release these groups to you on Friday—we are just finishing our lists in order to make sure that the number of students in every class is fairly balanced each day—it’s like a big Tommie Suduko puzzle and we are almost done!
Students will return the week of Sept 8-11th, with a staggered entry as follows:
Sept 8th Grade 9 Group A and C
Sept 9th Grade 9 Group B and C
Sept 10th All students 9-12 Group A and C
Sept 11th All students 9-12 Group B and C
We know that many of you are transporting your students, or coordinating your times so they can drive themselves. To help with your planning, we wanted to let you know that our bell schedule for the year has changed from previous years but the start and end times remain the same. The revised daily schedule will allow for longer transition times for cleaning and help with the reduced maximum occupancy in bathrooms.
7:40 (Supervision begins. Please do not drop students off before this time).
8:24 O Canada (All students should be in their period one class by this time)
8:25-9:30 Period One
9:30-9:40 BREAK
9:40-10:45 Period Two
10:45-10:55 BREAK
10:55-12:00 Period Three
12:00-12:50 LUNCH
12:50-12:55 (Transition to afternoon classes. All students should be back in the building by 12:50)
12:55-2:00 Period Four
2:00--2:10 Break
2:10-3:15 Period Five
3:15 Dismissal