
Posted: February 28, 2017

UNB Scholarship

Value: Average value $600/year (4Year term)
1) Applicants must be  a Scotsman, Scotswoman, or be of Scottish decent
2) Must have been accepted for entrance to Arts, Science or applied Science course at university
3) Financial need to be taken into consideration in deciding among applicants
4) If the recipient fails to maintain pass-standing he/she, at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee, may be required to forfeit the scholarship
The Highland Society of New Brunswick At Miramichi John Crosbie Memorial Scholarship
Value: $3500
1) Must be a member or a son or daughter of a member in good standing of the Highland Society Of New Brunswick at Miramichi
2) Must be attending a first year program at a recognized Canadian university
3) Financial need to be a consideration in deciding among applicants
4) One-half amount payable in the fall; second half on proof on satisfactory first-term results
Educational Grants
Value: $2500
1) Relatives of members of Highland Society of New Brunswick at Miramichi in good standing, (sons, daughters, grandchildren, nephews, nieces).
2) Must be planning to attend an institution providing post-secondary education.
3) Financial need to be considered in deciding among applicants
Deadline: Applications must be mailed by September 15
Application are in the Guidance office or can be found