Hugh H. MacKay/ James A. MacMurray Scholarship - NEW DEADLINE: JUNE 15TH

Posted: April 14, 2020

** Please Note ** NEW DEADLINE OF JUNE 15TH - Required documentation must be requested from either guidance or one of the Administrators 

The HUGH H. MACKAY - JAMES A. MACMURRAY scholarships are open to residents of the Province of New Brunswick who will graduate from high school in May/June of the year of application and who intend to enroll in a New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island University in the fall of the same year.

Scholarhsips will be awarded, each with a minimum value of $5,000.00 per year, for each of the four years of the student’s degree programme.


• be a high school graduate in the year of application;

• be domiciled in New Brunswick;

• be an exceptional student;

• be interested in preparing for a career in business;

• complete the Official Application Form;

• submit a letter indicating personal career aspirations. Attached should be lists of activities including summer and part-time work, as well as other extra-curricular activities in which the applicant has been involved;

• ensure the school principal completes and submits the Principal’s Confidential Report Form and a copy of high school records to date.

• begin studies in the Fall of the year of application in a New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island University.


Applications and all supporting documents must be received by:

The Secretary
Hugh H. Mackay - James A. MacMurray Scholarship Fund
126C Hampton Road, Suite 407 Rothesay, NB
E2E 2N6