Posted: April 8, 2024
Good morning graduates,
Over the last few weeks, you have been getting a barrage of Teams announcements and posts on the JMH 2024 Grad page of scholarships, bursaries and awards. Here is a compilation of the external scholarships that have been posted (or will be posted) to the grad distribution list. They are listed alphabetically.
Use this list to search on the Teams page and narrow down your focus on the awards you qualify for There are also scholarships that have an online link or website address and you will use that link to find information or apply for those scholarships.
Please look at the due dates so you can prioritize your efforts. You should also inform parents and guardians that this information is publicly available on the JMH Website: Guidance | James M. Hill High School (
In the next couple of weeks, we will also be releasing the "Internal" Scholarship Application - this is done completely online and has approximately 35 scholarships attached to it. This is not available yet, but will be shortly.
If you have any questions, come and visit.