Posted: April 13, 2015
* This information was emailed out to grads on April 1st. The following scholarships are now available in the filing cabinet in the
guidance department. Please ensure you let someone in the office know if there
are no copies left or only a few remaining. Please take ONLY the applications
you qualify for. Harry M. Daley Memorial Bursary (external: applications are sent
This bursary is offered to students who are pursuing their first year of
post-secondary education at an accredited university or college in Canada. Two
bursaries of $3000 each will be awarded (1 member / 1 non-member of the Credit
Union) in Northumberland County.
The timeline on this is tight, applicatoins are due TO BE RECEIVED by April
17th, 2015. Applications are in the filing cabinet. NBTA Credit Union (external: applications are sent away)
$1000 award (5 annually) available to students whose parents are
member-owners of the NBTA Credit Union. Deadline is April 30th, 2015.
Applications are available in the filing cabinet. NBCC Entrance Scholarship (internal: return to JMH) $1000 - any student accepted (or on a waiting list in the current year at
any campus of the New Brunswick Community College or the New Brunswick College
of Craft and Design are eligible. Applications are in the filing cabinet.
Deadline: May 27th Big Brothers Big Sisters / Boys and Girls Club of Miramichi
"Positive Impact Scholarship"
(external: applications are sent away)
$2000 - 2015 High school Graduate. Registered in a program at a University,
College or Trade School for the next school year. Minimum avg of 75%.
Applications are in the filing cabinet. Deadline: May 1, 2015.