Posted: January 28, 2014
Digital Production 120 - Course Information
Welcome to Digi Pro 120! Your daily work and weekly assignments will be posted here at the beginning of every class.
At the beginning of each class:
Log on to your computer (all students are assigned a work station where all of their work will be stored.) DO NOT MOVE SEATS OR REPLACE KEYBOARDS/MICE FROM OTHER COMPUTERS
You need to make a Digital Production 120 folder on your school drive. You should also have a flash drive to store portable files and have a good set of headphones for our audio/video unit.
Each workstation has a physical hard drive where you will store large files (video footage, large projects etc.) You can only access this drive on your assigned computer! Make a Digital Production 120 folder here too.
Once logged on, go to my teacher page (this one) to see the assignment for the day and deadline for submission.
Any work that is unfinished by deadline must be completed ON YOUR OWN TIME. Do NOT get behind on assignements, it will be hard to catch up.
Be creative!