Wednesday, Dec. 18th

Posted: December 18, 2013

Eng 111 - Read Poe's The Black Cat and perform the following tasks: The Black Cat - Writing Assignments Part 1: Go back through the text of “The Black Cat” and find examples of: (QUOTE THEM) a.     Personification (3 examples) b.     Metaphor and simile  (5 examples total) c.      Alliteration (3 examples) d.     Irony (find an example of all 3 types of irony and describe how it is ironic) e.      Symbolism  (4 explained symbols – what does it represent?)  art 2: Choose one of the following: 1.     Rewrite a section of the story from a different point of view (the cat - Pluto or other, the wife, the policemen) 2.     Re-write the ending of the story to your liking 3.     Combine details and plot elements from both Poe stories "Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat" to make the stories weave together. 4.     Write poetry or song lyrics which reflect main theme or plot events from "The Black Cat".
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