Posted: May 22, 2013
Eng 112 - Complete questions for Chapter 5 and read Chapter 6. HAVE THIS DONE FOR TOMORROW. Do not forget to keep up in your packets.
Chapter 5
1. (Page 76) Ralph ‘…stopped, facing the strip; and remembering that first enthusiastic exploration as though it were part of a brighter childhood…’ Discuss.
2.Ralph asks Piggy about ghosts. (Page 92). Piggy responds that there are no ghosts or beasts. Why?
3.?Page 94. “Grown-ups know things….the majesty of adult life.” Remembering what brought the boys to the island, is Piggy right. Are the boys only failing because they aren’t grown-ups?
Eng 111 - Complete Book 11 of The Iliad and complete a NEW literature circle task. Pick one that you have not done before and be sure that it is not the same as other members of your group. (see yesterday's post for a file copy of the Lit circle packet).