Posted: December 14, 2009
Period 1 - Multimedia 120 - Find sound effects for your script and begin recording.
Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Work on Feature Story.
Period 4 - Info Tech - Finish Excel Assignment 5.
Study Block- Room A108
Period 6 - Digital Sound - Visit the following for MBOX Basics
After you successfully get your signal into your computer refer to the section titled Recording a Protools Session to begin your session. Choose 16 Bit for Bit Depth and 44.1khz for Sample Rate.
Begin Working on Protools Assignment. Your finished product should include the following:
A minimum of 4 Tracks
At least one Midi track
Should be a minimum of 2 Minutes in Length
Be sure to monitor your recording with headphones to ensure that you are capturing high quality audio and avoid clipping.