Art Analysis - Student Choice

Posted: April 26, 2020

For this Analysis YOU will choose a piece of art that YOU like!  It can be a piece of traditional art that could be found in an Art Gallery OR it can be –


the cover from your favourite CD,

Vinyl Album Cover,

Video Game,

Movie Poster,


Art in your House,

or something I haven’t thought of!

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to answer the following questions after you have chosen your art piece:

1. What is the art from and why did you choose it? (Include the name of the piece, date, name of the game, album, movie, so I can find it to have a look.)

2. How did you discover this art? (By chance? Did you search it out? Favourite movie, music, game?)

3. What is it about this artwork that appeals to you?  (BE SPECIFIC! Explain what it is in detail why this works for you.)

Please use full and complete sentences and provide LOTS of information! The more you can describe and why, the better picture I will get!

Email me your responses -