English 111 Per 4: Welcome Back!

Posted: April 5, 2020


Hi all; I really look forward to hearing from all of you this week.  As we always plan out units together, this new situation should be no different.  So, that is what I would like you to think about this week; what is the most important way to spend the time we have left, and what is do-able by virtual learning.

I would like to throw out the idea of completing the research essay, since you have started the research.  We could, of course, amend the expectations a bit, as you may not have time to complete the 8-10-page essay.  I do  think the step-by-step plan we had would work well in this situation, and an essay is great experience for post-secondary.

So, that is your assignment for this week: what is the best use of your time?  What expectations are fair (perhaps the essay shouldn't be 10 pages, for example)?  Please get in contact with me with your suggestions  - you cna reach me through email at jean.macdonald2@nbed.nb.ca.  I have also set up a team called English 111 Per 4 in Microsoft "Teams," and your access code to join that team is ig7mppm ; you can add to the discussion there, as well.

Many of you are much better at using "Teams" than I am - please let me know if you see me doing things incorrectly.  I am just learning it, now!