Language Arts 9 June 1st

Posted: June 1, 2020

Hi there Language Arts 9!  We are winding down the year: only two more weeks to go.  This week we will think about the protagonist's goal - what is the main thing they working towards throughout this book?  WHY were they  working towards it?  The assignment posted below will take you through a few questions to guide your thinking.  remember to add detail from your book to explain your answers:

Book Study Question of the Week – June 1st!


Since the weeks are flying by, and the year is coming to an end, you should be finishing up your book, too. These last few questions are based on the understanding that you have finished, or are close to finishing. If you aren’t quite there, maybe do that first.


What was the protagonist’s main goal? What was s/he trying to accomplish? Why?


Please explain all of your answers with some detail from the book:


1. What do you believe was the protagonist’s goal? How do you know?


2. What do you believe was his/her motivation for having that goal? Explain.



3. What was the most difficult challenge or conflict that the character encountered, in attempting to reach that goal? What made it challenging?


4. DID the protagonist reach his or her goal? How do you know?