Language Arts 9 Period 3: May 18th

Posted: May 18, 2020

 Happy Victoria Day!  

Don't forget about course selections this week.  You do have an elective you can take next year.  Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Martin were around to our class to talk about it just before school closed.  There is a link on this website to course selections; if you click that, you will enter a whole section that shows videos for each class on how to make your selections, and what the process looks like.  The link is also there for the actual course selection site.

You will need YOUR logon for this.  Let me know if you need a password reset.  If you have ANY questions at all, feel free to email me at

Your Language Arts assignment this week will get you thinking about the choices the author is making, and whether those choices are working to engage the reader.  The assignment is below: