Language Arts 9 Track A Monday Assignment

Posted: October 5, 2020

Hello, Language Arts 9 Team!  Please look at the checklist posted right here - I have thrown it together based on your suggestions on what should be on it - your suggestions were great!  I added my own at the top, as I want to give you credit for the planning part, too.  I also three on some values for each section.  This has not been student-approved yet; those at home, could you please look it over, and see if you have any suggestions or changes that need to be made?  Is everything that is important accounted for?  Are the marks for each section fair?  Please either post your sections here, or send a thumbs-up for approval.                                                                                     
 THEN, go ahead and brainstorm everything you can think of to include in your letter, and organize it in a way that makes sense to you - what will go together in a paragraph?  Which paragraph will come first? Last?                                                                                                   
Please have everything ready to start your draft tomorrow.  If you prefer to type, and have a device you can bring to  type on, bring that,
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