English 10 (Periods 1 and 5)

Posted: November 3, 2021


Hi, Everyone!

By now you should have both of your November journals completed, and I will collect them when we return to in-person learning.  Hopefully, this will be soon!

Today, we are going to begin our Poetry Unit.  Before I assign your poetry project, I would like to have you read some notes on poetry terms and devices. Some of this material will be a review of information you’ve already learned, and some of it may be new to you.  Unfortunately, I was unable to post the PowerPoints on my Teacher Page today, but you will find them on Teams under "Files."  

Read the notes in the following order:

  • 1.    Poetry Notes
  • 2.    The Language of Poetry
  • 3.    The Sound of Poetry
  • 4.    Rhythm
  • 5.    Rhyme Activities

Just spend the class reading through the five PowerPoints and reach out if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy the rhyme scheme activity.  

Thanks, and have a great day!

Important Note:  It is absolutely necessary that you go onto Teams each day at the beginning of English class and send me a notification.  This will inform me that you have seen the day’s assignment(s) and I will be able to record your attendance.