Posted: November 4, 2021
Hello, everyone, and welcome to day four of home learning!
Yesterday we began our Poetry Unit, and I asked you to read over the PowerPoints I provided for you.
Today, you will practice working with these poetic/literary devices that you learned about by demonstrating you can recognize them when you see them. I’ve uploaded a worksheet that I would like you to complete. There are fifteen different sentences, and each sentence contains as least one device. See if you can detect these devices.
If you don’t have a printer, simply number a piece of paper from one to fifteen and jot down your answers. You’ll notice that sentences 11 and 15 contain more than one device. Feel free to refer to your PowerPoint notes when completing this activity, and I’ll provide you with the answers tomorrow.
Also, I would like you to spend at least fifteen minutes reading your personal novel today.
Thanks, and if you have any questions, let me know!
Important Note: It is absolutely necessary that you go onto Teams each day at the beginning of English class and send me a notification. This will inform me that you have seen the day’s assignment(s) and I will be able to record your attendance.