Posted: April 19, 2010
Nutrition for Healthy Living 120
Complete all worksheets and study guide for Fats by Tuesday. Wednesday the class will be delivering the nutriton snack to all period 2 classes. Test on Fat on Thursday. We will begin lesson on protein on Friday.
Child Studies 120
Tuesday- mini drama presentations by groups. Hand in worksheets to go with each presentation.
Wednesday- Notes on teething and motor development during the babies first year.
Thursday- Complete chapter 6 worksheets and review to test on Pregnancy and the Newborn
Friday- Test on Pregnancy and the Newborn
Hospitality and Tourism 110
Monday- Notes on Airport terminology. Learn to find informaiton on airports and flights on the internet.
Tuesday- Computer time to work on Assignment- Moncton and Halifax airports and arranging flights for various scenerios.
Wednesday- Continue work on Photostory projects with Mr. Hayward
Thursday- Test on NB scenic drives and Chap 3 of text- Planning and Development of Tourist Destinations
Friday- Continue work on Airport Assignment. Assignment is due on Monday.
Fashion Tech 110-120
All students should be working on project 3 now.