Posted: April 7, 2020
Spring is here! I want you to get outside for the remainder of this week. The purpose of this is twofold, it gets you physically active and allows you to explore your surroundings. While outside, I want you to be aware of what changes are beginning to take place. I would like you to make notes of what you see, hear, smell, etc. We will monitor and discuss the changes that are taking place over the next couple of weeks in our environment. Some things to look for would be the changes in trees, new growth of flowers and grass, what kinds of animals and birds in your area, etc.
Also, I am asking that you try to get set up in the Teams account for this class.
-You can download the app or you can go to the site
-Use the access code posted below to join the team for the course
-Turn on notifications
-Leave a quick message on the message board or like my post so I know you have joined
Team Code: uzosgif