Wellness 110 - April 7

Posted: April 7, 2020


Hi everyone,


I have two things for you to do for the rest of this week.


1- I want you to think about what kind of physical activity you have been doing the past couple of weeks.  Have you been physically active?  If so, awesome!  Keep it up.  If not, this is what we are going to work on this week.  I want you to get up, get active, get outside and have fun.  I am asking that you set a goal of being active for at least 60 minutes each day for the remainder of the week. 


2 – I am asking that you try to get set up in the Teams account for this class. 


               -You can download the app or you can go to the site https://teams.microsoft.com


               -Use the access code posted below to join the team for the course


               -Turn on notifications


               -Leave a quick message on the message board or like my post so I know you have joined   


Team Code: jly8gsj