Boomerang Day 2016

Posted: September 22, 2016

 Tuesday September 6th 2016 was the day! It was the day James M. Hill Memorial welcomed the newest grade 9s to the school , the class of 2020! The day was off to a great start with all the kids mingling in the lounge with each other. There was one problem, all the kids were congregating with their friends from their old school. The goal of the boomerang leaders was to change that and make them feel like one big family. T-Mac was the leader of the morning, calling all the new nines to the gymnasium to the grand assembly. Theriault was on tech and Tommie cat was stealing the show by breaking out his awesome dance moves. All in all the day wasn’t your average school day. Due to the fact there was absolutely no classes and lunch was free!!And to think the new students would have hated their first day ha-ha. The only bad thing they found out that day is that the very next day they had classes and most likely homework.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Joel Taylor