Computer Use During Study Block

Posted: November 4, 2009

Starting on Monday, November 16th, students who require the use of a computer to complete projects MAY have the opportunity to use one.  If you would like to apply for daily computer use during Study Block, you can find the application by clicking the following link or on the door of  computer lab 108, the Multimedia lab.  You may not apply for the full three-week cycle, only for the time required for your project's completion. Fill out the application and give it to Mr. O’Toole by the end of the day BEFORE you need the computer.  Check the next day by noon on the list posted on the window of the Multimedia lab to see whether or not you have been approved.  If your name appears on the list, report straight to the computer lab for Study Block.  If your name does not appear on the list, then go straight to your regularly scheduled Study Block class.