Culinary Cafe and Teacher Restaurant

Posted: October 23, 2017

Two very upholding dependent traditions have come back once again to the school at the time of desperation, hungry and need. The Culinary Cafe and Teacher Restaurant will give students and teachers of James M Hill hope once again by blessing them with the magical happenings of Deb McDonnell and her culinary teams of success.


The first teacher restaurant of this year was held on Thursday the 19th and what a great success it was racking up with a total of twenty staff members participating. The menu at the time was quesadillas, rice, potato skins and the well known skor cheesecake that every staff member loves. “Every single plate that I cleaned that day had nothing left on them” Connor Blakely of fourth period Culinary 120 jokely says.


On other notes the Culinary Cafe was a total success Monday the 23rd, “I loved the soup but I waited too long” student Jack Forrest exclaimed with satisfaction.  “Everything was sold except 2 things, and it was very very busy. But it went well.” Deb McDonnell said. The cafe is running Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays with select amounts of foods. If you haven’t head down to the Culinary Lab on those days then you should come on down and check it out. You might save your diet a little trip, and your wallet


Justin Gallant.