Posted: November 16, 2011
The 19th Annual Miramichi Pizza Delight Hoop Classic Tournament will be taking place on Friday November 18th and Saturday November 19th (hoop_classic_schedule_2011.pdf). The Hoop Classic is co-hosted by Miramichi Valley and James M Hill and features the best in both boys and ladies high school basketball. Sixteen teams from around the province will be traveling to Miramichi to take part in the weekend of basketball. Tournament action will start up on Friday afternoon at 1PM at both schools. Games will also be played at the Dr. Losier and Carrefour Gyms.The championship game for the ladies will take place at 2 PM at MVHS on Saturday. The final for the boys will go at 4 PM on Saturday, also at MVHS. Tournament schedule is below. Come out and support your Tommies!BOYS DIVISION:NOV 181:00 PM OHS @ MVHS MVHS GYM SSHS @ BHS CARREFOUR DRHS @ JMH JMH GYM ESN @ MHS DR. LOSIER GYM5:00 PM WINNER 1 @ WINNER 2 MVHS LOSER 1 @ LOSER 2 CARREFOUR WINNER 3 @ WINNER 4 JMH LOSER 3 @ LOSER 4 DR. LOSIERNOV 1910:00 AM LOSER 6 @ LOSER 8 MVHS12:00 PM WINNER 6 @ WINNER 8 JMH 4:00 PM LOSER 5 @ LOSER 7 JMH WINNER 5 @ WINER 7 MVHSGIRLS DIVISION:NOV 183:00 PM ARHS @ MVHS MVHS GYM SVHS @ RHS CARREFOUR GYM SRHS @ JMH JMH GYM L'OD @ SJHS DR. LOSIER GYM 7:00 PM WINNER 1 @ WINNER 2 MVHS LOSER 1 @ LOSER 2 CARREFOUR WINNER 3 @ WINNER 4 JMH LOSER 3 @ LOSER 4 DR. LOSIERNOV 1910:00 AM LOSER 6 @ LOSER 8 JMH12:00 PM WINNER 6 @ WINNER 8 MVHS 2:00 PM LOSER 5 @ LOSER 7 JMH WINNER 5 @ WINER 7 MVHS