Picture Day

Posted: October 14, 2016

            ATTENTION All grade 9-12 students of James M Hill, picture day is quickly approaching it will be this Monday coming October 17th and just a reminder if you do not pass in your media form you will not be allowed to get your picture taken. There will be a sheet brought to every homeroom class for whoever did bring back their media form signed by a parent or guardian. With that sheet you have to fill out your name, grade, teacher and if needed a note for the photographer. After the pictures come back you can choose if you want to get the pictures developed, if you don’t feel like it or if the picture isn’t what you hoped you are able to get re-takes. No matter what though if you are in grade 9-11 and you passed in the media form that picture will be in the year book and for all grades there will be a picture on your student ID. Just a note on what your student ID can do is you can use it to get deals at some restaurants or you could have to use it for a dance depending if they ask for it or not. The ID will contain the school year and your student number if you ever need it or if you forget it.


Madalyn Jardine