Sociology 12

Posted: September 30, 2016


The Sociology 12 course here at JMH, taught by Mr. Theriault, is a great class if you’re interested in the study of society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture. So far, the classes have learned about sociologists, culture, the social causes and consequences of such things as racial and gender identity, conflict, and behavior. At the societal level, sociology explains matters like crime and law, poverty and wealth, prejudice and discrimination, schools and education, urban community, and social movements. At the global level, sociology studies population growth and migration, war and peace, and economic development. Sociology is a good course, even if this stuff doesn’t interest you. It helps people understand society, and why things happen the way they do. I recommend taking this course, it is well worth your time!


By Cyla Matchett