Posted: September 22, 2011
TAPThis Friday, Sept. 23, 2011, marks the start of the Teacher Advisor Program (TAP) at JMH. TAP was implemented last year and is in place so that every student has a teacher they can go to throughout the year for guidance and direction for any situation that may arise. TAP takes place in period 5 on the last day of every study block cycle. On that day students go to the same teacher for the entire school year, and when possible their entire four years at JMH. A list of where each student is to go is posted on the library window as well as downloadable from the JMH website (teacher_advisor_program_2011-2012.pdf). Study BlockPeriod 5 is dedicated to Study Block. This is a half-hour that students are given to complete school work or read. For more information and student expections please refer to the file study_block_info.pdf. Study block starts Monday, Sept. 26, 2011, and student room assignments are posted on the library window and in the file studyblock_2011_sept26-oct14.pdf.