Posted: September 22, 2016
Study Block Changes
Study Block… Every JMH student’s love/hate relationship. It changes every year whether it’s for the better or for the worse. When I was in Grade 9, the concept wasn’t new but the way it was practiced was. There was sheets of paper taped to the library window, giving every student an assigned classroom seemingly at random. Study Block has changed so many times in the past 3 years I have been at high school that I’m not even sure if it’s effective anymore. It has gone from random names assigned to random rooms to being dependent on which day it is (Monday means go to your period one class, Tuesday to your period two class, etc…) Last year Study Block changed back and forth. We are currently using the version of Study Block that is dependent on which day of the week it is. This has been set for the first three weeks of school. Who knows what the administrators have planned for it next? Last year Study Block became less of a period to quietly finish up homework, study or read and became more of a free period to chat and mess around. Study Block was then changed and is being taken a lot more seriously again. A school-wide vote was created for every student to vote to keep Study Block or remove it entirely. The vote was close but the winner was to keep Study Block on the schedule. Hopefully Study Block works well this year and the years to come.
Written by Brandon McDonald