Posted: April 13, 2020
Usually Tommie Grayson Harris can be found running tech in the JMH theatre, setting up for student council or school-wide events, working on his project in The Block to create prosthetics from recycled bottle caps or helping the rest of us with our tech troubles. But with schools closed, Grayson has turned his attention to helping fill the gaps in necessary PPE for frontline workers, and along with some other partners from NBCC and local schools, is using 3-D print technology to create face-shields. We are so proud!
A reminder to all our Tommies that we ALL need to contribute and do our part in the days and weeks ahead—and for most of us that is simply to stay home, practice social distancing and only visit your friends virtually!
To our Tommies who are essential workers—stay safe—we are proud and thankful for your work.