Posted: October 7, 2021
Hello class of 2022!
This is a "working document" of potential and projected EXTERNAL scholarships (these are applications that go somewhere outside of JMH). They are mainly found on websites and have varying criteria, values and due dates.
Some of the links may be broken or the details on these scholarships may change so it is more meant as a guide and not a concrete document. If the links do not work, use an internet search engine to track down information.
Because this is a collection of gathered scholarship opportunities, we may not have much information and won't be able to answer many questions, so you are to conduct your own research. If we can answer any questions, we will!
Props must be given to Shirley Riordon of the Bathurst High guidance department, who has been cultivating and maintaining this document and graciously gave us access to it. Thanks BHS!
**This information was sent to the JMH 2022 Grad Class Teams page on October 7th, 2021**