Ms. Daley - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

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Posted: October 26, 2015

Grade 10 FI Social Studies - TEST on Tuesday, October 27th.

Posted: October 22, 2015

Grade 10 French Immersion - Family Dynamics - research project on a hereditary disease is due on Monday, October 26th.

Posted: October 20, 2015

Interim Reports go home tomorrow Wednesday, October 21st. 

Posted: October 13, 2015

Grade 9 Social Studies - TEST on Thursday, October 15th Grade 10 Social Studies - TEST on Wednesday, October 14th

Posted: September 29, 2015

FI 10 - Individual and Family Dynamics - TEST Thursday, October 1st.In addition, students are asked to take home a "baby" for one weekend this semester. The baby project accounts for 25% of students' mark for this course.  In addition to attending to the baby for a weekend, there is a binder of questions which must also be completed (budget, etc.)

Posted: September 18, 2015

FI Sciences Humaines Grade 9 - TEST  Monday, September 21st on Chapter 1 - Expressions of Canadian Identity  FI Sciences Humaines Grade 10 - TEST Tuesday, September 22nd on Unit 1 (Chapters 1 and 2) - Exploration of History

Posted: September 15, 2015

Due Monday, September 21st - Research what a family looks like during a particular decade (i.e., the 1940's). Discuss the family structure, size, roles of men and women, work, average age of marriage, average age of having their first child, etc.).  Value - 20 points.

Posted: September 11, 2015

F.I. Social Studies 9 -  Due for Wednesday, September 16th - What Does Canada Mean to You? Students are asked to find 5 pictures that show what Canada means to them.  For each picture they should have a title and write a sentence explaining how the picture signifies what Canada means to them.  Value - 15 points   
