Posted: October 19, 2010
Approximately 1/3 of deaths in Canada are related to cancer and it is estimated that 173 800 new cases will be diagnosed in our country this year. James M. Hill Student Council has decided to plan a Cancer Awareness week which will be held on October 18th, until the 22nd. All week long student activities will be held to raise money for Cancer Awareness. The theme of this week is Think Pink, the symbolic color for Breast Cancer.
For the past month, the executive Student Council has prepared a week where each day a fundraiser will be in order to help support Cancer research. Starting tomorrow hearts will be on sale at lunch. Buy one in memory of a loved one that has passed away from cancer, or to show your support. There will also be a loose change drive Tuesday and Wednesday during fourth period. The big student council auction will be Thursday at lunch and finally Friday will be pink day, where the school's attire will be completely Pink and TADD will be selling Pink Mocktails! All money raised this week will go towards cancer research.
Perhaps the most anticipated event of them all, the auction, will be the cherry on top of the fundraising goal. The executive student council will be bought and sold to the highest bidder. The following day, whoever has bid the most will own the S.C. member until the end of the noon hour.
The Student Council feels as this is a very important cause and they wish to see a multitude of school participation.