Posted: September 10, 2012
Digital Tech 120 - Introduction to morning announcements.
Eng 111 - applying Bloom’s Taxonomy for Thinking to “The Lady or the Tiger?”
Today your task will be to read Frank Stockton’s short story,” The Lady or the Tiger?” and create some questions and/or activities for another student in class to answer.
Your assignment MUST contain :
- ONE Knowledge-level questions
- TWO Comprehension-level questions
- TWO Application-level questions
- TWO Analysis-level questions
- TWO Evaluation -level questions
- ONE Synthesis -level question
...for a TOTAL OF TEN questions!
Beside each of your questions, please indicate which level of Bloom’s Taxonomy you believe it addresses.
Then, switch with someone in class, and answer each other’s questions to the best of your ability.
You will be graded on:
A. The quality of your questions
B. The quality of your responses to a peer’s questions
Eng 112 - Review your notes on the "short story" for tomorrow (see Friday's post for a copy of the notes).