Friday 15th October, 2010

Posted: October 15, 2010

Period 1 - Broadcast Journalism - Photojournalism- photostory Objective: Students will investigate how pictures tell as story. Students will develop a photostory. Choose 10-15 pictures and build a photostory that holds a theme. Students will be able to express the reason for their choice of picture. They will also be able to analyze the style and visual elemnts tht make the picture a professional photo. Period 2- Multimedia 120- POWERPOINT template for project. Students are developing a tutorial on one of the elemnts of Multimedia, in doing so they will improve their powerpoint technique.   storyboardtemplatemaster.ppt 151 KB application/   Objective: Students will express an understanding of one of the three areas of multimedia (audio, video or pictures) through effective PowerPoint presentations.   Period 3 - Ancient History 10- Students will work in groups to prepare a creative presentation on Mesopotamia culture. Two days of Lab time will be given and a rubric will be discussed on Monday. Today students will develop a plan and proposal for their presentation and hand it in to teacher. Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture Study Block- Room 812 Period 6 - Ancient History 10 -  Students will work in groups to prepare a creative presentation on Mesopotamia culture. Two days of Lab time will be given and a rubric will be discussed on Monday. Today students will develop a plan and proposal for their presentation and hand it in to teacher.  Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical significance of  mesopotamian culture Template PPT
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