Friday December 13th, 2013

Posted: December 12, 2013

History 112: Students are watching schindler's List. The teacher has already discussed the Holocaust and the significance of it. The students will watch the film and then discuss the value of this piece of history, We will examine other "holocaust" that happen or is still happening around the world.Ancient History : Unit test on Greece.Law 120: Law students are in mid-trial. Today Lawyers work on their cases. interview witnesses and prepare for statements. Other students are writing their case study. Follow these guidelines:Choose a canadian caseSummarize the case- ( who, what, why, when, where and how)Tell me about the Actus Rea and Mens rea of the case. (Include whether it was negligence ect.)Explain the argument and evidence used in the case by both the prosecution and defense.Conclusion of the case- what happened? Was there an appeal?Your thoughts on the case.Remember the paper should be 3 pages in length. If you are a witness you do one less page. Lawyers do not do this assignment.