Posted: March 1, 2013
History 112- Special speaker today- Mrs. Ryder- she will be discussing some key issues on the Industrial revolution.
Law120- Today students will look at the "other side of the coin" in terms of the Ashley Smith Case. Students will research and right a one page paper in response to the following questions.
Discuss a summary of the Ashley Smith Case
Present the CBC side of the Story- You may want to see if she was mentally ill and if so, what are the rights for the mentally ill.
Search and discover the other side of the story- What about the prison officer's side of the story.
According to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms- do you feel that Ashely Smith's rights were violated.-Support your answer using websites and journals
Performance Arts- song performance
Music 10- Presentations of music and materials.
THEATRE ARTS- Presentation- Presentations are put off until after the break because of an important assembly today.