Posted: May 6, 2012
Boradcast Journalism:- Students will submit and present their two-fold project on photojournalism. The students will show their creative display of their projects and submit their "national inquirer" image and story. Students will then begin to prepare a research paper on a journalism topic of their choice. The topics may include reporters, journalism concepts such as blogging, or any other concepts approved by the teacher. The paper will follow the following paramaters:
4-5 pages in length
Double spaced
12 font
MLA format
Cited with credible sources
Paper will be due on Monday May 14th, 2012.
Today we will be starting a project on WWII.
Students will be given two class periods to work on this project. On the Third class day students will start presenting their projects. Students will work individually or in groups of two to prepare a presentation on one of the following topics. The goal is for students to be able to teach the rest of the class about the topic that they have chosen.
For each topic students will be able to answer the following questions
.What is their topic?
Who was involved?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place? (Be more specific then during the Second World War)
Why did it take place?
What is the historical significance of their topic?
Note: During the presentation stage each student should be taking notes about each presentation. At the end of the presentations students will be asked to hand in a sheet with one piece of information that they learned about each of the topics. They will also be asked to write a short reflection about which topic they enjoyed the most and why. This reflection will be given a mark out of 5 based on how well students follow instructions. The main point of this reflection is to insure students pay attention to each other’s presentations.
Concepts and Outcomes:
The questions will help students focus on ‘historical significance’ and ‘cause and consequence’.By the end of this lesson students will have a better understanding of the events and consequences of the Second World War and will be one step closer to being able to compare the consequences of the First World War and the Second World War. (Outcome 5.2.3)I
D-Day (the Normandy Invasion)
The Eastern Front
The Battle of Stalingrad
The North Africa Campaign
The Battle of the North Atlantic
Canada at War
The Nazi Invasion of Norway, Denmark and Holland
Battle of Dunkirk
The Battle of Britain
Pearl Harbor
Weapons of W.W.II
Operation Barbarossa
Yalta Conference
Women at War
Internment Camps
Canada in Holland
Codes/Code Breakers
The Fall of Paris
The Surrender of France
The Warsaw Ghetto
Hitler Snubs the Treaty of Versailles
You may also come up with a topic of your own but you must get it approved by me before starting.