Monday April 23 2012

Posted: April 22, 2012

 Histroy 112 -    Students will present their projects on Life in Nazi Germany today. Today is the last day to hand in their assingments on appeasement. Today we will start our next assignment on European goverments. Found below.  Define the following terms in the context of 20th century Europe. (Between World War One and World War Two ) And answer the questions below.   1.       Communism 2.       Stalinism 3.       Fascism 4.       National Socialism 5.       Democracy 6.       Totalitarianism   What do all these terms have in common? What are some differences between them? Which European countries are associated with each term? Why did some of these European governments fail before the Second World War? (Think and talk specifically about the Weimar Republic.)Also define appeasement and write a paragraph on who was involved with the appeasement of germany and wheather you agree or dissagree with the poilcy of appeasement.