Monday February 27th, 2012

Posted: February 27, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Students will have a round table discussion and present stories. The outline of the Broadcast Journalism show will be drafted. Students can work in groups to accomplish ideas for this format. The ideas should involve: The opening- effects- (what should it look like) The Name of the show (have a few ideas) Ideas on how we can showcase students and teachers Upcoming events for March and assignments Ideas on keeping students engaged. History 112- Students will work and finish their presentations on the industrial revolution. The students were given the assignment on Thursday of last week. Today the teacher will sit and sift through the information and talk wiht students about their ideas. Law 120- Students will start the unit on crime. Today will be a note taking class on the elements and concepts of crime. The students will look at the criminal code of Canada and be able to have an understanding as to the penalties of types of ciminal activity. Assignment- Fairy tale crimes.
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Office presentation icon 1_crime.ppt390.5 KB