Monday March 21st, 2011

Posted: March 20, 2011

Period #1- Ancient History- Objective: Students will examine the historical significance of Egyptian culture.Students will post and explain two pictures on elements of Egypt and what significance they have for us today.Period #2- Media StudiesObjective: Outline of quiz given and presented on Tuesday. Students will construct a poster explaining popular culture. Does popular culture simply relate to an age group, a generation or a particular society?Period #4- Ancient History.Students will post two pictures and explain the historical significance behind them.Period #6- Theatre Arts- Objective: The students will prepare and present a persuasive presentation on a Broadway production.Musical Project Broadway musicals have been a delightful pastime of many that appreciate the theatre. From the time people gathered into the Elizabethan theatre to view Shakespeare plays to the present time, plays and musicals have allowed the audience to drift away to another time and place. Lab continued.