Posted: February 2, 2011
Period#1- Ancient History
Objective: Students will create theories and build an argument to support their theories. Origin of man continues- worldwide beliefs- Japan/ China/ Mayans/ Western Philosophy discussed
Period #2- Media Studies-
Objective:Students will explore and demonstrate through presentation their understanding of popular culture. Popular culture character worksheet/ Assignment #1- Battle of the Decades.
Period 4 - Ancient History 10 -
Objective: Students will create theories and build an argument to support their theories.
Origin of man continues- worldwide beliefs- Japan/ China/ Mayans/ Western Philosophy discussed
#6- Theatre Arts-
Objective: Students will demonstrate their of the foundational fathers of theatre through a creative presentation. The students will choose a founding father and research and present information: examples such as Shakespeare/ Moliere/ Chritopher Marlowe/ Ben Jonson/ Middleton. 2 days research and 2 days to prepare script and presents on Thursday next week.
Students are reminded about their 7 ages of man quiz on Friday (Tomorrow)