Posted: March 26, 2015
Law 120- Students are presenting their forensics topics. On Monday we will finish presentations and students will get their definitions list for the next chapter. The quiz will be on Thursday. Students are reminded that we go to the courthouse on Tuesday March 31st, 2015.
Reading Tutor: Students are engaged in a unit on music this week and we will switch over to Easter theme before the end of the week.
Theatre Arts: Students begin their large show production Unit. Please follow the guidelines for the show. Research the show to include the following in your presentation:
· Summary- include themes, plot, Character, setting etc.
· Writer of the show- Bio on his accomplishments- where did the concept come from
· Awards
· Special effects
· WOW factors/ Unique qualities of the show
· What kind of audience is this show for?
· Director- Casting
· Costume
· Music/ Dance
· Set design- Your drawings will be Due Thursday April 2nd 2015
· Use visuals
The goal is to present a persuasive argument as to how one can and should produce your choice. Remember to cater all you decisions to the JMH Theatre.
Economics 120: Students will start to investigate Penny Stocks. Answer these questions to gain a background of understanding:
· What is a Penny Stock?
· How is a Penny stock created?
· How do these stocks differ from other stocks?
· What is their risk level and what determines that level? What makes them risky?
· What are Penny Baited traps?
· Offer 5 Penny Stocks that are worth investing in and why? (include your sources)
· Can Penny Stocks offer a great return? Is there evidence of anyone who has become successful from Penny Stocks? If so tell me their story. (You should be able to find someone.)
· Finally explain the Boiler room operation.