Thursday September 6th, 2012

Posted: September 6, 2012

Period #2- DIGITAL SOUND 120-  Course expectations discussed. Tour of District 16 Studio. Assignment #1- The greatest album of all time. Period #3 - LAW 120- Course overview discussed. Two sides to every story (True story of the three little Pigs) Students brainstormed about their expectations for the class. Activity #1- The Survivor Island Legal Code Period #4 - LAW 120 -Course overview discussed. Two sides to every story (True story of the three little Pigs) Students brainstormed about their expectations for the class. Activity #1- The Survivor Island Legal Code Period #6- Computer Science: Expectations/ Responsibilities/ Course description.   . digital_sound_120.doc greatest_album_of_all_time.doc law_120__course_outline.doc