Tuesday April 8th, 2014

Posted: April 8, 2014

Media Studies: Students are reminded that their storyboards are due on Thursday this week. Reading tutor: Students are beginning to learn about poetry. Theatre Arts: Over the past 2 weeks we have been working on the set of Shrek. Students will now begin looking into the acting process. in doing so the students will develop and actor's profile. This is a write up on the actor of one's choice. Follow the questions below to help you gain some knowledge about the actor. Essentially who can we crown as the greatest actor ever. Bio- Background of the actor/ Where did they come from/ Education/How did they get their start in acting/The pieces that they have participated in. Discuss career/ genre of acting/ multi-roles. Influences and inspirations Sayings/ catch phrases Accomplishments: Awards/ recognition/ Failures: According to the actor himself/herself and public opinions. Greatest piece they have ever done: Your opinion- be able to saysummary of the piece and why. (longest part of your paper) Other organizations they are involved in- other passions beyond acting. Have they used their popularity to help/hinder movements in society. What film you would have liked the actor to be in and why. Law 120: Forensic Science projects.