Tuesday February 21st, 2012

Posted: February 21, 2012

Broadcast Journalism- Teacher and students met around the table this morning for a Brainstorming session about the launch of a new JMH Broadcast show. The show will feature news around the world, community and school. Jobs were appointed today and students researched their roll. History 112- Students will finish their comparision of the four documents. The write up is due tomorrow. Law120- Students watched the video on the Ashely Smith Case. They will then spend the rest of the class time finding out more background information about the case. Students are also reminded that they must submit their guest speaker refelction assignment. Students will answer the following questions through research. Who was Ashley Smith? Why was she sentenced? Summarize her experience. How was her behavior in the detention facility? What are your thoughts on the "fifth estate's presentation?" What biases did this media presentation of the Ashley Smith case present? Some say that there were violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in this case, defend your thoughts.