Posted: February 4, 2013
History 112- History is happening all around us. Everyday people all over the world are creating History. Change happens and this creates History. “Brainstorm the term revolution- Can you think about revolutions happening around our world today? Four concepts to discuss: (Notes)
New Ideas
Social conflict
Political Factor
Economic conditions
Law 120- Discuss survival code. Rules vs Laws. rules developed for law class. Importance of rules and laws. Historical Root of law- Hammurabi's code of laws/Napoleonic Code. Activity #2: Historical Roots of Law. historical_roots_of_law.ppt
Performance Arts Students will present their Broadway shorts project in the theatre.
Music 10- Students are working through their musical genres workbook.
THEATRE ARTS- History of theatre/ Greek- Roman periods. Groups developed to research and present on the founding fathers of theatre.