Tuesday January 7th, 2014

Posted: January 7, 2014

History 112: Students will begin to gain an understanding of the cold war. Indiviually answer the following  question and then choose a topic from the list- Powerpoint should be 10-15 slides. In your own words describe what is the cold war (give dates) Who are the parties involved with the cold war? Choose one of the topics in the list and present it in your prowerpoint. Ancient History 10: Students will read pages 208- 211- Answe Question 2 (a and b) on page 211 Then read pages 212-214 and write in your own words 2 paragraphs a summary of the Pax romana. Finally answer question 1 on page 215. Law 120- Students will begin case #2 today- the Lawyers will have today to question and prep witnesses. Students who are not lawyers will research the net to do the following: Choose a career Law enforcement- Anything from Judge to Court reporter. Give a brief explaination of the responsibilities of the job and then trace the education and requirements of the profession. In other words how does one become a __________? (Police officer, judge, court reporter, fornesic investigator, ect) One page due by classtime tomorrow.